Welcome to Ghost

So...I'm using Ghost for this blog. This is just the place I'll be playing around in from time to time to see what stuff looks like, etc. Or, you know, to remember how to do things.

Here's a link to my profile at Calvin: http://www.calvin.edu/academic/philosophy/faculty/van-dyke/. That's an old photo of me, and also a slightly outdated list of publications, but it's what's there.

I'm spending the 2014-15 academic year at the Notre Dame's Center for Philosophy of Religion: http://philreligion.nd.edu, something also made possible by a subgrant from the Immortality Project: http://www.sptimmortalityproject.com.

As part of my project, I recently got to spend a few weeks in Edinburgh working with Thomas Williams on a new translation and commentary on Aquinas's Treatise on Happiness.

bowl of bananas

This is looking out of the Greyfriar's Kirkyard across Old Town.

Want to link to a source? No problem. If you paste in a URL, like http://ghost.org - it'll automatically be linked up. But if you want to customise your anchor text, you can do that too! Here's a link to the Ghost website. Neat.

What about Images?

Images work too! Already know the URL of the image you want to include in your article? Simply paste it in like this to make it show up:

The Ghost Logo

Not sure which image you want to use yet? That's ok too. Leave yourself a descriptive placeholder and keep writing. Come back later and drag and drop the image in to upload:

![A bowl of bananas]

Author image

Christina Van Dyke

scholar, mother, and proud owner of the largest couch in creation
  • here and there
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